Saturday, June 10, 2006

Polo Ralph Lauren Announces Decision to Remove Fur from its Collections

Why I feel a bit better today from the time of the last post:

Just yesterday, Polo Ralph Lauren announced their decision to remove fur from its collections. No, I'm not kidding! This makes me so happy- it really does. This is just a brief summary- you can find the whole article HERE- basically, Ralph Lauren saw the expose on Chinese Fur Farms and the skinning of dogs and cats that supply about half of the US fur demand and witnessed the abuses that are going on. No he didn't see it in person- he saw the video. Which is fine- but makes me wonder really if anyone in the fashion industry at all has personally went to their fur and animal skin supplier...because if they haven't- they should. It gets rid of ignorance even if they don't agree with the stance. Though I'm sure if they would maybe become a little more disillusioned with watching what exactly happens... If consumers really want fur so bad- they should do the [dirty] work themselves.

I happened to watch these two videos earlier in the year- and . These undercover clips made me really think- how close does cruelty have to get before it's recognized and responded to? Pigs, lambs, dogs, cats, and then events like ongoing genocide in Darfur to humans like you and me? How close do events like these have to hit home before it will really hit home? You really really should go watch it and get rid of any preconcieved notions that you have- please don't be squeamish! Ignorance isn't bliss. So many go, "Aw. That's just horrible..." And keep going with their lives. So many die because of that decision to pity and just turn away. Victims don't want pity. They want action. Who says a lamb or lizard is worth any less than the life of a dog or cat? Who?

Sometimes I think that the public just think, "Well, they live a happy life roaming around and then they're nicely injected with some drug and die peacefully living a fulfilled life." It's a fairytale concept- it's numbing the real truth. As you will see from the video footage- that's simply not the case. So Watch It. I implore you.

I don't want to get all impassioned and scare anyone away so now I'll dedicate the rest of the post to Ralph Lauren- essentially. It makes me feel so overjoyed that yes, there are major figures in the fashion industry that like me- simply care.

I actually happened to really like his F/W collection- below are my favorite looks (photos from You can click the images to view them larger.

And what will not be gracing the runway again. Thank goodness, since it's a bit on the fugly side anyway-

Now, the favorite part of the program [that would be sales]:

In Order: $35, $45, $50, $30 Last one is the Roland Interlock Tee- it's not really that short. All items from

Shoes In Order: $23.40, $30, $20, $30 (also come in green and navy), Nordstrom $80, $15, $15

And here's a whole barrage of shoes at Bluefly. (Bluefly- 15% off- ends tommorow!)

Many of you may know about "The Pink Pony" and philanthrophy the company does. If you don't-

I love this bag! It's so cute and the money goes toward good- and of course it's a bonus that there's no animals were skinned for it: $75...did I mention it's really cute?

I wrote a short email yesterday (ok, well- short essay) to basically say "Thanks".

This is the email I recieved back today:

"Thank you for expressing your gratitude regarding the banning of fur in Ralph Lauren products. We appreciate the support this decision has generated.

We thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion today and do hope that you will continue to support Ralph Lauren."

You'll probably see an article in WWD this upcoming week about it. At least- that's what I'm guessing.

Now time to switch gears. Fur Fashion Week starts this monday. I didn't even know until Julie from Almost Girl told me. It's not very prolific. But still.

Maybe I'll have something to say about it later on.

No living being should go through all that pain for the sake of clothing. It's unnecessary. They live. They breathe. They hurt. [yes they have nerve endings]

Peace & <3

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