Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pathetic Excuse for a Panorama; summer return post

So it's always quite difficult deciding how pick an appropriate starting topic after a long period of absence!

But I finally found the right one...but it's gonna take a couple more days. I'm starting physics courses this tuesday after memorial day so that'll take some more readjusting. Maybe I'll get it up before then even! I just wanted to be safe though since I did promise you a post within a week, and I'm so surprised some of you are still here with me!

I thought that it would be a good ending to my semester to first post up pictures of my whole dorm room since my dorm room this spring semester was pretty rad, except for the no a/c part of course...and I did a pretty awesome job decorating it. If I say so myself. Some of my pictures show part of my room, but I thought I'd just show all of it...maybe it can give those of you some ideas what to do with your dorms if you're heading off to college soon!...I even organized my drawers with little sectioned boxes and took a few more organization ideas from magazines like Domino and Blueprint [REALLY good fashion and decorating mags]. But I took all that out for cleaning.

I took these pictures on the last day of school, after I cleaned out everything else. So it actually might look kind of sterile with no fridge and everything---before it had been a
c o m p l e t e mess cause of finals week! :

[btw, that's a sheep mobile on the ceiling. most people think they're one-eyed ghosts, but not so much..]

my pathetic excuse for a panorama [please enlarge]

pictures w/o panorama

Everyone loves this chair...I got it at SteinMart on sale.
It's like an old jewish lady discount store in California.

cute, right?
don't ask if I believe this.

the corners of my desk:
a. motivational index cards
b. taiwan McD toy trains

what I woke up to everyday. I always kept my 2007 hepburn calendar on december
cause I'm a december kind of girl. my room's filled with hepburn too, isn't it?
I'm not crazy intense about her like some people but I do like her. ; )


Blogger Angie hearts said...

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10:09 AM  
Blogger Angie hearts said...

Congratulations on ending your semester! The chair is great and hum... kind of want to agree with the Godiva ad.. but.. hahaha~!

Thanks for commenting on the dress, I know the picture doesn't do the dress justice because you can't feel the silk by picture or the details that goes into the neon threads....sigh

10:11 AM  
Blogger Promise Newell said...

The gold lame' leggings! I own the silver ones and got weary of the trend, but seeing you wear them with that cute double breasted coat has given me new inspiration!

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love joaquin phoenix too!

1:54 AM  

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