Sunday, May 25, 2008

To My Mom; and what you didn't know.

[As you'll notice, I've done some -yeah- 'censoring' in this post, because ever since I got really creepy emails, I've been more wary and so anything that's too up-close... well I just want to protect my mom's privacy. I've censored with some pink hearts, which, I agree, do look silly!]

My mother's birthday was a few days ago. I have always wanted to do a post about my mother ever since I went through all her old photos. This topic actually does pertain to fashion, because she was in the fashion industry. She worked for about 5 different design companies, like Tommy Hilfiger (I think that was one of her worst experiences). She was a technical fashion designer. That meant she made the ideas actually wearable. Made a shirt actually fit right. To this day, she will inspect any garment I pick up and berate me if it has a horrible fit [which she used to do a lot, preventing me from buying much unless it was very well made].

She always got mad at me for getting so interested in fashion and spending so much time on it, and she said I caught the shopping bug from my grandmother. But after finding some old photos that I'll show you later, I realized she wasn't exactly telling the truth as she was a bit of the fashion plate when she was younger.

My mother worked in the fashion industry. She said she only did it because she wasn't really booksmart to do other things. And in Taiwan, they make you take a test which determines which industries you have to choose from. [that photo is a design she made when she was in grad school]

In the end, the fashion industry, or rather the people she worked with, treated her very poorly, and ever since she's kind of...hated it. She knows its bads, like the backstabbing. She's trained people below her, only to get badmouthed and discarded after having trained them. When she was pregnant and couldn't come in to work, they tried to fire her. She's been discriminated against (but that was more a problem back then). All her collegues that she graduated with, have also for a while, been no longer in the industry.

She's a really tough person on the exterior, but sometimes, you can never always be that hard, and you just can't take it anymore. She finally got so stressed out and "scarred" I guess, that she was done with the whole thing by the time I was in middle school. Now she's a piano teacher. And though fashion was her "second love", piano was her first. ; )

But what I learned was that unless you're the type of person willing to play this game at times, you're not going to survive. People used to ask this woman who my family used to know, this old asian lady who taught at FIT, how she was in the industry for so long. She said, "You want to know why? I'm TOUGH."

I never seriously considered trying to be a designer, although in high school you feel like you have the potential to do anything, and it was a dream. My mom doesn't like me to spend too much time on fashion, because she knows I'm not the type of person who could survive in such an industry. You put in a lot, but you might not get as much out. You can't stew over any wrongs and you have to be as tough as nails. And I started to realize as I wondered myself, would I really be happy my whole life doing something, though artistic, is honestly, mostly filled with superficial people who take this art mostly at face value? Sometimes I don't think I would.

I think the goal of life is to find meaning in it, and sometimes I would think, nowadays, there are like, what, thousands of people trying to make it as designers, but not as much going into fields that might make a larger difference, like important dilemmas like global poverty, world hunger, speaking up for those who don't have a voice on the global stage or even right at home. Where are young people like us really needed? We need innovation, fresh ideas to solve important problems.

I doubt that I would have even continued my blog this long if I didn't have such a strong feeling about animal rights and the skin industry's role in fashion. I wouldn't feel right just posting about superficial things like clothing and what celebrities are wearing everyday. I wouldn't find meaning in this blog unless I didn't feel like it had a cause. But it does! So I think I'm a little more safe here. :) What is great about fashion, other than that it's fun, sometimes is that it can be used to raise awareness of important issues.

[right photo, a design she made in grad school. I love it! The print reminds me of Tsumori Chisato.]

It's kind of sad that you need to fight really really hard for some things you want in life, and it's even more difficult when you're not really sure if you want something. I like fashion, a lot. But as a career choice... that's a little questionable. Though there are really good people in the industry, a lot of the time, it's social smooching, kissing up to your boss (though that happens everywhere if you have a boss!), favors, and who you know, that matters.

You might be lucky, or you might need to claw your way upwards and betray your peers sometimes to get where you want to be. I'm not that kind of person. It used to kind of bother me. But I'm nice. Suck it.

If it's what you think you're destined to do, if you have a view, of course, you should go for it! But if you're a young girl, you need to realize that it'll be really really tough, though possibly rewarding in the end. Just keep in mind that when you read all the glamour and glitz, those are the few who make it. You almost never hear about the tons of also talented people, who did not make it. Whether it be not recieving enough funding, etc.

I care a lot about justice and fairness which is often hard to get in the industry and I'm not talking about designers but about any job in the fashion industry, or related to the industry. So, I myself know it would be really hard for someone like me to accept. Hey, I get seriously annoyed when my brother uses a Mario Kart cheat. I'm just that kind of person.

The real reason I'm writing this post is because, just a couple months ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. As you can believe, it was very difficult to accept. Bad things have happened, but nothing too bad; nothing life-threatening.

My mother has undergone 3 surgeries, and the malevolent little buggers are still there. Plus, my mother had lent something like, well, a significant amount of money, her life savings really, to a man who she thought was our family friend, who needed some help in starting up a company. It's been quite a while, and he refuses to return most of it, prompting us to currently seek legal action. The medical bills keep coming, and these monetary problems are unfortunately, real. So there's another headache!

It just shows that sometimes, though fashion can be a huge deal in your life, there are much more important things, like family. Like trying to help find a cure for a life-threatening disease. In any case, this post is for my mother.


My Favorite Photos of
My Mother and Her Outfits

[captions underneath]

My mother actually gave me these pants after I saw this photo.
I can't wear them as well though! If I could, I'd tell you.

My mom and her friends at the beach.

Isn't that hair just wack?! The 80's, yeah. I love the photo though.

No, this is not my dad, but one of my mom's old friends in Taiwan.
I only showed his face because, although I actually don't think Brad
Pitt is that cute, I do think he looks as close to an Asian Brad Pitt as you can get.
Which is quite funny to me. :)

The bottom right has a very Anthropolgie feel to it.

Looks early stella mccartney, I think. What season? I forget.

One of her more outrageous items. I was surprised too.

Some of these photos were taken by my mother's
photographer friend since he needed a model.
Why don't I have one of those?

I don't know why, but I never thought my mother wore oxfords!

Silver pointed moccasins, jeans, and a red and dark grey coat.
I actually really like this ensemble.
Btw, that bump on her stomach is me.
And my dad no longer has that jacket.

My grandma, aunt, and my mom [the smallest]

I Love this one because it looks so current like it could be
ripped straight from any Street Fashion page.

Kind of a Michael Kors-y feel.

"Most basic research in breast cancer is done on animals. But what we learn from animals doesn't always translate into how cancer develops in humans" - Dr. Susan Love

On Charities that fund Cruelty-free Research:

You might point out that this an interesting "dilemma", seeing as I am against animal cruelty and testing, but a lot of cancer research is done on animals.

Though I'm sure testing on animals brings about something, studies show that in comparison, research done without animals actually accomplish more and don't drain as much funding. It's a paradigm because people think that injecting cancer into other animals is the key to understanding ourselves and that is where the answers lie. It seems like it's more effective, but it doesn't seem to be...

But as stated above, people like Dr. Susan Love, who I have actually heard speak, is one of the more groundbreaking people working on finding a cure for breast cancer and one of the world's experts, does not believe in animal testing. It's just simply not as effective.

In any case, there are more alternative to animal testing that don't involve animals at all, like in-vitro, etc.

You can learn more here on alternatives to animal testing:

I'm not going to knock charities that do fund animal-testing since I think that would be counterproductive. But here is a list of non-animal testing charities which include like, the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, Children’s Cancer Association, American Breast Cancer Foundation...:

If all these well-known charities decide to not fund experiments done on animals, don't you think there's a reason? And I think if I were to donate my money to one, I might as well donate it to a kinder AND more effective non-animal testing charity.

"An increasing number of scientists and doctors are questioning and refuting the long-standing practice of experimenting on animals in the name of human medicine. Concerns range from the physical and mental welfare of animals to the gross physiological and chemical differences not only between species, but within species.

Beyond the visible differences between humans and other animals, myriad internal genetic, biological, and physiological factors separate us. Indeed, variations within species can confuse studies, but extrapolating data from one species to another is even more problematic.

The past several years have seen an increasing number of published studies indicating the myriad failures of using experiments on animals to predict human health. Additionally, the media is increasingly giving voice to doctors and professionals who are speaking out against the antiquated, wasteful, and inhumane practice." -
If you would like to look at fact sheets, resources, and studies, please do so here at:

As always, I welcome other opinions, but if you are unwilling to look at these studies, please do not try to open a dialogue with me.

This has been a problem in the past, and the dialogue then goes nowhere, and is enriching for noone. I seriously think I might even need to put up a disclaimer one of these days.

One of my most enriching courses I took this spring was my Contemporary Moral Issues philosophy class, which taught me philosophy is more than just abstract ideas, is relevant to current society (look at Peter Singer, Thomas Pogge), and that if people do not remain openminded and willing to accept facts, no progress can be achieved. This course was one of the hardest courses I've ever taken, next to Organic Chemistry, but I think the most rewarding, though sometimes confusing. I honestly think everyone should be required to take this class.

I learned the best learners make decisions not based on what their beliefs are, but make decisions based on facts and logical reasoning. Believe it or not (no pun intended), I try to do that. Not convinced? Well, after studying abortion and anti-abortion for half a semester in my class, I still do not know where I stand on abortion. I'm being honest to god when I tell you that. I used to think I was anti-abortion, but now I'm not sure after reading both sides, and I would not make a decision just to make a decision. One might think that because I'm just an animal rights activist, that I would automatically be pro-life. But it's a lot more detailed than that.

So I do welcome other opinions. I like intelligent debate, but be prepared to back your opinion up. Oh, and you can't just say your belief,and then run away and not respond. That really annoys me as well.
As you may have noticed, there is no mention of PETA anywhere in this post, so do not give me some anti-PETA, PETA speal. Believe it or not, there is more to animal rights views than simply PETA.
Also, I will take this moment to say I also don't understand people who say there are more important issues to worry about, like Darfur and global poverty. Hello? Have you seen my blog? I obviously do care about issues like that. I don't think that you need to pick one cause over another. My heart can go out to many causes.

Lastly, let me clarify a simple view that may be that by supporting non-animal testing I care more about animals that I care about my mom. I think animal-testing is not a good way because for perhaps the most important reason, non-animal testing is, overall, more effective based on facts, and therefore the better solution.

And if you even bring it to that level, then, no offense, but I will truly have nothing to say to you.


Not up for donating?

Well, Shop!


Shopping for a Cause

Looking for a gift for someone?
Well, part of the proceeds go to breast cancer foundations.

[psst. and I'm in love with that watch.]

And which I posted on a long time ago--
Ralph Lauren's Pink Pony Initiative
[from $-$$$]


want to join in on the fun? have some old photos of your mom that shows where you can identify where your fashion sense came from? put up a photo on your blog, link back and comment down here, and I'll check it out and compile a post with all the photos and link you too. ciao. [deadline- 1 week]


Blogger LDF said...

Your Mom is super cute and stylish!!
I love that black and white ruffly number.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Kira Aderne said...

wow! now we can see where your talent came from...
congratulations about your mom ! how lucky you are!!

a kiss for you and tha nks for this amazing post! she is so beautiful and stylist, for sure!!

4:27 PM  
Blogger e. jay said...

Your mom seems like an amazing fashionista, even if she hates the industry. I am really sorry that she was diagnosed, and I am going to pray for her (hope that doesn't offend). I have been very aware of breast cancer since my mother had a breast tumor biopsied. In our case it was benign, but that didn't stop us from being worried. I intend to do the Race for the Cure this summer if I can stay in the DC area. You seem like a really great girl, Gloria, and I will be sending good vibes to you and your family. :-)

6:29 PM  
Blogger molly said...

your mom seems like an incredibly awesome lady

9:23 PM  
Blogger karla deras said...

first of all, I'd like to say I'm sorry to hear about your mother being diagnosed with cancer. She'll be in my prayers. Be strong!
second of all, your mother was quite chic back in the day ;)

12:22 AM  
Blogger Kira Aderne said...

Hi sweetie!

Congratulations about her story of life and your talent, and both of you are on prayers for her to be good again...

a kiss,
thanks for your friendship :)

see you,

4:09 AM  
Blogger María said...

You must have learnt a lot from your mum in terms of fashion. I hope she'll get well soon.

I add you to my links too ;)

5:49 AM  
Blogger Romeika said...

Your mother looks so stylish in all these photographs, that's a great inspiration for u, being her daughter. I hope everything turns out fine for her, I had an aunt who fought against the same thing, and it all turned out ok.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Seeker said...

I'm so sorry to heard about your mother health.
You'll be in my prayers and thoughts.
Everything will come for the best, you'll see. Have faith.

Your mother has a great sense of style, and this tribute you made is something priceless.

I also like my blog to be more than just celebrities style and that stuff, so I like to post some other things, so thank you for being at my blog and comment.

Feel free to visit me, I'm linking you, and I would be flatered if you consider to exchange.

Be strong!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Mónica said...

lucky you! your mum was really cool in her youth! you're right, she can't say it's all your grandmother!
I love those R. Lauren pink totes.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Wonderful post. Your mother has amazing style and the pictures are really lovely too.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Ella Gregory said...

Gosh your Mum was so stylish back in the day! I'm sure she still is!
Your so lucky to have all these amazing photos.
And thank you for the tips on the pink products, I am always happy when companies support cancer awareness!

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned the best learners make decisions not based on what their beliefs are, but make decisions based on facts and logical reasoning.

I'm hoping that's true. I doubt you'll like much of what I have to say.

You might point out that this an interesting "dilemma", seeing as I am against animal cruelty and testing, but a lot of cancer research is done on animals.

Do you eat meat? Many more animals are killed unnecessarily for food. Paradoxically to this discussion, did you know that the likelihood of getting cancer if you're a vegetarian (eating less than 5% animal proteins such as milk and eggs) is practically nil? Oh yes. Cancer evolved to eat animal proteins (us). Until people began eating meat in quantity, cancer was quite rare. Did you know that in the lab, breast, lung and bladder cancer will stop growing and atrophy is six weeks if cells are not fed animal proteins? Cancer loves casein and egg proteins. I strongly recommend reading _The China Study_. It's a report of a detailed thirty year long study of cancer in china. When people started eating meat, cancer rates increased dramatically.

Eating meat is a problem for the environment. Meat production, transportation and storage is 82% that of emissions from factories, automobiles and trucking. Becoming a vegetarian -other than being kind to animals- does more to help the environment than driving a hybrid or solar panels, or going off the grid entirely.

I think the goal of life is to find meaning in it, and sometimes I would think, nowadays, there are like, what, thousands of people trying to make it as designers, but not as much going into fields that might make a larger difference, like important dilemmas like global poverty, world hunger, speaking up for those who don't have a voice on the global stage or even right at home. Where are young people like us really needed? We need innovation, fresh ideas to solve important problems.

You know, I struggled with this for years. Working in the fashion industry, I had a hard time reconciling my vocation with my lifelong activism. But you know what? 68% of the clothing manufacturers in this country have fewer than 20 employees. As an aggregate, they employ a heckuva lot more people than large firms. These are the people who provide jobs. Not everyone can work at mcdonalds or walmart and support a family. People working in sewing factories can. Even ten years ago, the average wage of a sewing operator in El Paso (very low income area) ranged from 9.73 to 11.27 an hour. You don't make that at wal-mart. So in the end, I decided my vocation wasn't so sucky after all. Through my work, I could ensure (via educating designers) that MORE people could be working for productive wages. That is a far better use of my time than protesting and carrying signs. Even working in fashion, this is a far better anti-poverty program than anything protesters or the government can cook up.

And lastly, I don't doubt your mother had bad working experiences. We all have, in every industry. It's not the nature of the work. You vote with your feet. Why work for jerks whatever your field?

People have forgotten a great deal. The problems with labor were born in the garment industry but ALSO, the backlash -unions and worker's rights. The garment industry is unusual; company owners range from the right to the left wing. It's not either or. You have dramatic swings. More than half the designers I know are fair-trade and fair-labor proponents.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Yas said...

Your mom sounds like an amazing woman (with great style too!). I will pray for her health and happiness and hope she recovers very soon.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Hi kathleen, thanks for dropping by my blog! I've been to yours a few times but I never knew you visited mine.

Contrary to what you thought, I actually do like what you have to say. Especially since you're one of the ones in the fashion industry, and it seems you've been in it long enough to have chalked up a lot of experience!

If you've visited my blog before, you'll see that I actually AM a vegetarian. I completely, completely agree with everything you said concerning meat and cancer, and meat and the environment! I have no idea why you came off kind of opposing me since you do not seem to be in disagreement with me at all.

Lastly, I'm certainly not dissing your vocation. I understand as in every industry, there's good bosses and bad bosses, good companies and bad ones. I'm just saying, there is a lot more of that in the fashion industry, than probably in every other industry, as one would probably expect-- a lot more people willing to claw their way up there, while those who work hard may not get the amount of credit they deserve. Like I mentioned in the post, I do agree there are genuine designers, no doubt about it. But from the fashion magazine biz, to places in the city.. I feel that it can be much harder to find. Well, in any case, my post was in no way a personal attack either.

I also agree that with people who are struggling to pay the bills and such, the sewing industry isn't bad at all! But my post was not targeted toward it at that level at all. I was talking about the long-term career plans of young people who might be just getting out of high school. and even then it's more on the cautionary side..

Feel free to respond! I'll be eager to hear it.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria
I read your other blog, I didn't know this one was yours too. Btw, can you find another entry on my site in which to post your comment? It doesn't really follow (out of context for the entry); the conversation thread is here on your site. There's entries on sustainability and sweatshops that may be more appropriate.

Btw, you may be interested in this (what I consider to be) a totally ludicrous entry on this other site. Obviously, the writer has decided that if it's sewing related, it MUST be a sweatshop. Good grief, he talks about nice lighting, happy workers but still calls it a sweatshop. If it really were, there's no way the owner would have let him in the door. It breaks my heart because it probably was a nice plant and the owner was proud to show it off:

I still don't agree that fashion businesses are any more likely than other businesses to be unkind and uncaring to their workers. It's not what you know that gets you into trouble, it's what you know that ain't so [Twain]. I know over 800 of them personally who'd disagree with this characterization of them. It's just popular to beat up on the industry. Everyone can get their licks in, a way of blaming others for their own adoption of the vicarious and running with the herd (displacement). It remains a fact that fewer than 3% of all sewing businesses in the US are sweatshops.

And honestly, in my experience, the people I've seen backstabbing are employees doing it to each other. Usually, it's new hires tho, still used to the school environment. Students are VICIOUS! I've never had this happen to me or anyone I've worked with. I think this is a great business to be in. It's just popular to call it cut-throat courtesy of staged TV and magazine editorial; it's more dramatic. Reality is much more boring. If this were all true, I wouldn't have 800 members -all competitors- actively working together to share resources and solve each other's problems. They help each other find fabric, sewing contractors, sales reps (they SHARE them!). Heck, they even work each other's booths at shows! Just because tv and magazines say the industry is such and such doesn't mean it's really that way. I would have bailed a long time ago. I detest cattiness. Believe me, there's more cattiness about designers on consumer's blogs than in the industry, by a long shot!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Hi again Kathleen...the reason I also posted it on your site was because some people don't return to the site the conversation was started. I'm not going to post back on your site now since I respect that, so I hope you will check back for this, instead! :)

Moving on---

First, I do NOT have another blog. So I have no idea what you are talking about. My post had nothing to do with sweatshops, so I do not understand why this is relevant. I didn't say anything about being the industry being uncaring to people who do factory work at all. I think that you think I have another blog where I post such opinions on sweatshops and such, but I have never even had a blog other than this one, and I have never even done a real post on sweatshops.

I actually detest cattiness as I don't know what you mean when you seem to imply that I am being catty-- seeing as I am thinking I am what you are mentioning as part of the "consumer blog".

I don't know where your 800 people come from and where they work and I'm just guessing you come from somewhere in the midwest cause of your mention of El Paso--- but it's just from the people I know (yes, besides my mum) and from experiences I know of, who used to work in the city, they agree that it's pretty cutthroat sometimes and there's so many people in it that people are willing to do some...things that aren't so nice. I do understand your point on dramatization of the negatives, but I believe those negatives are still there. I never said that you can't find meaning in the industry and that it's horrible. I was just putting others' point of views across and a caution.

I totally understand that we may have just ended up reaching a disagreement at the point on the depiction of the fashion industry. I am comfortable with that.

But I do not know if I am as comfortable with you first assuming that I'm not a vegetarian and talking about that, and second, that I have opinions of sweatshop workers which I have never ever made, and that I even have another blog where I make such statements, since I do not.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. Dreadful. We've gone from bad to worse. I'm afraid that I've been misinterpreted. Gloria, if I thought anything about you, cattiness would be the least of it!!! I mentioned cattiness because it explained some of the negative things you mentioned. I was not implying anything negative about you with respect to consumer blogs either!

Similarly, I didn't say you said anything about sweatshops. I used the example from someone else who did (left the link) and who also erroneously (imo) attributes negativity to the industry *because* it's the "fashion industry" and because everyone thinks that's the way it is. It was an example of similarity; it was not to be taken so literally.

Re: other blog. I was confused because the link you left was but the title on your site is <3 life etc. What does that mean anyway?

Re: 800 designers. I have a network of designers, all members of my forum. It's private but not anonymous, not open to the public. You can find it here:

It's a very active community with about 12 posts per member. They are all in the industry and work together sharing resources, contractors etc. These days, one need not be regionally based. While I am in New Mexico -by choice, I can't handle big cities anymore- few of my designers are. That doesn't keep me from getting out and knowing what's going on tho :).

And I'm *thrilled* to know you're a vegetarian! What I'm exhausted with currently, is all these designers who are green washing, who claim to be soooo moved by environmental concerns but they won't pony up to make REAL changes in their lifestyles that matter. They buy organic inputs and call it good. Buying organic is a pass through cost, it's passed onto consumers so how is it they're making any sacrifices!? And I call them on it too. I'm not an apologist for them. It got so bad a couple of months back that I posted about their hypocrisy so at least now they shut up about it (at least around me). If they want to do the song and dance to consumers and convince them how lily white they are, I can't stop them but that doesn't mean I want to hear all the blather. If they really cared as much as their marketing leads you to believe, they wouldn't eat meat. That has a whole lot more impact. So, in my entry I told them I don't want to hear about their "commitments" to sustainability when if anything, the higher input costs is what gives them a higher margin. They make money two ways. On targeting eco minded consumers and on higher margins so I am a bit cynical of their commitments, especially if they're push manufacturing (another long story you don't want to hear).

In short, the industry (imo) is unfairly criticized for some elements that are untrue BUT they are not held accountable for things that ARE true. Like I said, I'm no apologist. They don't always like what I have to say to them but I do hold them responsible for their sins whether consumers know to criticize them for those or not.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have added this but forgot, in the entry I posted today, I call designers on the carpet for no less than six things they do wrong. These are the kinds of things they should be held accountable for but consumers rarely if ever mention it. Iow, people should worry less about anecdotal stories and assert their rights on what can be proven. The evidence is documented in photos. Consumers shouldn't have to put up with this crap.

Like I always tell them (when they're complaining consumers are "cheap"), if everything is crap and you don't have much to pick from -crap from crap- why do they expect people to pay for it? People aren't stupid. They can't continue to explain away their failures by blaming the victim.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Cicely said...

This is a really amazing post and your mum looks like an amaing woman.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Seeker said...

Thank you my dear for your kind comments and to have linked me.
You're sweet, I am also a vegetarian, I like to find other vegetarian people because in my comunity I'm like something strange, you know...


4:33 PM  
Blogger Diana Coronado said...

I agree with Kira now we can see where your talent came from hehe.
Beautiful post, ur mom rocks !!
Hugs dear !!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Hi kathleen!

I suppose then the internet is ripe for misunderstandings to occur. It was difficult to comprehend in the way that you mentioned since you had first stated that I wasn't going to like what you were going to say, so I thought you were going to say something opposing what I had written. Instead you started asking if I eat meat and about that's effect on cancer. I agree the material you bring up is interesting! But the way it was phrased made it seem strange since I do not eat meat and it seemed like you were trying to convince to me not to eat meat (by citing the environment and the china study) when I did not eat meat in the first place. Those two things kind of set the stage for why it seemed I was getting a more antagonistic vibe from you than maybe you meant. And then you started talking about sweatshops and it was unrelated to anything I said before and so I thought you meant it in reference to the closest thing I could find in my post.

When you commented on this "other blog" and then mentioned this "other site", I figured they were one and the same. And then you mentioned catty consumer blogs and it seemed like you were trying to discount any of the experiences of unfairness and discrimination that my mother and the people I know have went through in the industry.

By the way, <3 life <3 style is basically internet lingo for Love Life Love Style (the symbols are supposed to make a heart-shape).

Now that you have explained further, I understand you never meant to come off the way I thought you were! I mean, your facts are interesting! About the greenwashing and such, it's just that since they were unrelated to the post, and you were so passionate about it that I just took them as some sort of criticism. Well what can you do...that's the internet for you! When you only read words and don't see expressions, it's difficult to figure out how someone may mean.

In any case, I hear you better now, and thanks for contributing your wisdom! :)

12:55 PM  
Blogger Carolina Lange said...

Your Mom has a great style! Cool pictures!

6:41 AM  
Blogger The Spicers said...

Your mom looks fantastic. What great style!
And best wishes for her complete recovery...

6:44 PM  
Blogger Eyeliah said...

Wow, you mom has some great style. I love her rolled up pleated pants, it's in so many photos like it's her trademark. :-)

9:13 AM  
Blogger Dion said...

how cute! you're mom reminds me of my mom back in the day.

best wishes for her.


10:52 AM  
Blogger Laura S. Taylor said...

It's interesting, my mother majored in fashion design (although she never worked in the field) and ended up being a piano teacher.

I loved looking at the old photos of your mom...then I realized I've never seen a picture of my mother while she was pregnant.

my prayers are with you and your family.

4:30 AM  

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